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Thursday, November 25, 2010

I 092

Engagement of Direct Sales Executives
LAST DATE 02/12/2010
FEES - 100 DD




Engagement of Direct Sales Executives

Approximately 734 Direct Sales Executives are proposed to be engaged by various

Offices of the Corporation purely on Contract basis for 3 years under the jurisdiction of Western

Zonal Office. The number of engagements may be changed during the selection process

depending on the requirements of the office.

Name Of Division NameOf Direct Mktg unit General S.C. S.T. O.B.C. Total

Current Backlog Current Backlog Current Backlog

Gandhinagar Gandhinagar 67 1 0 13 8 33 0 122

Goa Goa 101 0 3 0 17 0 26 147

Nadiad Nadiad 60 0 4 0 17 0 36 117

Nashik Nashik 68 0 11 0 12 0 39 130

Rajkot Rajkot 40 2 4 1 19 3 24 93

Vadodara Vadodara 64 0 10 0 17 0 34 125

Total 400 3 32 14 90 36 159 734


It is primarily a Marketing job. The DSEs shall be directly responsible for Procuring New

Business, Providing Policy Servicing and related jobs from the areas allotted to them. They shall

also carry out any other instructions given to them from time to time. For this purpose considerable

movements including tours covering entire area allotted to them are involved.


a) Qualification:

Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established in India

under a statute. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess the Bachelor

Degree or Diploma in Marketing /Management. Good working knowledge of English and

also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills

such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be additional advantage.

b) Age: (i) The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age and not more than 35 years of

age as on 01.11.2010 (cutoff


(ii) The upper age limit as on 01.11.2010 of an applicant belonging to a group given

below shall not exceed the age mentioned in corresponding column no. (3):Sr.


Category Age limit in years

(1) (2) (3)



1) Member of a Scheduled

Caste or a Scheduled Tribe


(2) Member of OBCs (other

than those in creamy layer).


(3) Exserviceman

35, increased by the number of years of service in

the armed forces subject to maximum age of 45

years where he is a member of OBCs and 47 years

where he is a member of SC or ST and Maximum of

42 years in Other than SC,ST,OBC Cases.

c) The spouse of employees and agents of LIC of India shall not be eligible for


d) Agents of LIC of India holding valid license issued by the IRDA are not eligible for


e) Agents having valid IRDA license and working with other insurers need to submit ‘NOC’

from their insurer.

f) The applicant should have minimum 2 years’ prior marketing experience as on cutoff

date. The marketing experience need not be necessarily in the field of insurance.


Direct Sales Executives, on engagement will be paid monthly remuneration, which will be

entirely performance based. The quantum is dependent on DSE’s achievement of specific

business benchmarks and performance of assigned tasks to the satisfaction of Corporation.


a) Selection will be made on the basis of a written test if necessary, followed by an Interview of

candidates who qualify in the written test. Written Test will be of Objective Type covering

Sales aptitude, Test of Reasoning, Numerical Ability and General Knowledge. The date and

venue of the written test, if to be conducted, will be communicated to the eligible candidates

individually and also posted on the website. Candidates are advised to check the site for this


b) Interview: Candidates successful in the written test (if conducted) or eligible candidates will

be called for an Interview. The Corporation reserves the right to restrict the number of

candidates to be called for written test and/or interview commensurate with number of Direct

Sales Executives to be engaged and the decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be

final. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

c) The selected candidates subject to their being found medically fit by the Medical Examiner

authorized by LIC for the purpose will have to undergo Theoretical training and pass IRDA

licensing test for obtaining a license to procure Life Insurance Business within a maximum

period of three months in maximum three attempts, following which he may be engaged as an

apprentice Direct Sales Executive.



As an apprenticeship DSE, the candidate shall have to undergo insurance related training and

pass a test on the same. The apprentice DSE shall be paid a fixed onetime

stipend of Rs.


per the rules of the Scheme.

e) On successful completion of the apprenticeship and passing the test, the candidate shall be

engaged as a Direct Sales Executive purely on contract basis subject to conditions framed by

the Corporation.

f) The selected candidate will be allotted specific area of operation during the period of

engagement based on Business requirements.

g) It is clarified that selection as a Direct Sales Executive does not confer any right on the

candidate to be appointed as an employee in the Corporation.


Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on the cutoff

date shall submit their

application to the concerned Divisional Office in the format given below which shall be either


in bold capitals or typewritten on foolscap size paper only. The application should

be properly signed. The following shall accompany the Application:

1. Demand Draft towards Application Fees (applicable for all candidates other than SC/ST


2. Attested Photocopy of Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates.

3. Attested Photocopy of Qualification Certificate and Age Proof.

4. Attested Photocopy of Discharge Certificate in respect of Exservicemen.

5. Evidence of Marketing Experience

The candidates are advised to keep ready with them the originals and a set of attested

photocopies of each of the certificates listed at item numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 above for verification

at the time of Interview if they qualify for the same.


For all candidates (other than SC/ST category): Rs.100/(

Rs. One hundred only). The

application fee shall be paid by Demand Draft only (valid for six months) favoring “Life

Insurance Corporation of India” and payable at (Respective Divisional Headquarters)

Candidate’s name and date of birth should be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft.


Last date for receipt of application form together with Demand Draft towards application fees

(if applicable) will be 02.12.2010. Application Form completed in all respects with enclosures

should be posted in a closed cover with a superscription on the cover Application for

Engagement of Direct Sales Executives, respective Division” to the following address:

The Senior Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

(Please see last two pages for addresses of Divisions).




(a) Candidates should ascertain, before applying, that they satisfy all the eligibility conditions

as stipulated in the notification. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility conditions are

liable to be disqualified at any stage of selection without further reference to them.

(b) Corporation takes no responsibility for any delay in receiving the Application Form or loss in

postal transit.

(c) Application Forms not in the prescribed Format or incomplete/unsigned or received without

the Demand Draft for application fee (wherever applicable) or Caste Certificate in case of

SC/ST/OBC applicants, shall not be considered and are liable to be rejected.

(d) Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be held in

reserve for future engagement. The eligible candidates will be intimated separately about

the exact date & venue of the written test/interview.

(e) Decision of the Corporation in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of examination, other

tests, Interview, selection and allotment would be final and binding on all candidates. No

representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Corporation in this regard.

(f) In case more than one application is received from an applicant for the same Division

and/or different Divisions and/or different Zones then, the first application received from the

applicant as per entry made in the register maintained by the Corporation shall be treated

as his only application and all other applications shall be treated as invalid. In case of any

doubt or dispute, the decision of the Zonal Manager shall be final and binding on the



Date: 17.11.2010.

Place: Mumbai Zonal Manager



Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

Gandhinagar Divisional Office,

Jeevan Prakash,

Behind Telephone Exchange,

Sector 11,

Gandhinagar 382 017.

Sr. Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

Goa Divisional Office,

Jeevan Vishwas,

Plot No. 2,

EDC complex,

Patto, Panjim,

Goa 403 001.

Sr. Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

Nadiad Divisional Office,

Jeevan Prakash,

Pij Road,

Nadiad 387 002.

Sr. Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

Nashik Divisional Office,

Jeevan Prakash,

P.O.Box No. 410,

R.G.Gadkari Chowk,

Nashik 422 002.

Sr. Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

Rajkot Divisional Office,

Jeevan Prakash,

P.O.Box No. 208,

Tagore Marg,

Rajkot 360 001.

Sr. Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

Vadodara Divisional Office,

Suraj Plaza II, 4 th 6 th 7 th


Sayaji Ganj,

Vadodara 390 005.






(DO NOT attach any certificate in Original.)

The Sr. Divisional Manager,

LIC of India,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Division.

1. Name of Direct Mktg. unit applied for ……………………………….

2. Name in Full (In English: Capital letters, Surname First)

3. Mailing Address (Do NOT repeat your name here)


Telephone No. with STD Code: ________________ E Mail i.d.: _______________________________

Mobile No: ________________________.

4. Category (Indicate by making a crossmark

(Χ) in the appropriate box.)


5. Whether ExServiceman.

(Make a crossmark

(Χ) in the appropriate box. If “Yes”, give details.)

Yes No

6. Date of Birth: _____________ 6(A). Age in completed years as on 01.11.2010 ________Years

7. Particulars of Application fee:

D.D No.__________Date ______Drawn on _______________Rs. ____________ payable at ___________

8. Educational Qualifications:

Examination Passed Name of the

Institution/ University

Year of passing Class

Bachelor’s Degree

Masters Degree/Post Graduate Diploma

In Marketing

Others(Specify, including Computer


Affix your Self




Passport size




Marketing Experience:

Name of the Institution Place Post held From To

10. If related to any Agent/employee/Officer/Medical Examiner/DSE of the LIC of India, Please state:

a) His/Her Name______________________ b) Designation______________

c) Place of posting/working ____________ d) Exact Relationship__________

11. Mother Tongue_______________ Other languages known___________________

12. Enclosures to the application:

I am enclosing attested photo copies of the following documents along with the Application Form and the Demand


a) SSC/HSC/Municipal Birth Certificate showing the Date of Birth;

b) Bachelor’s Degree Certificate;

c) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in case of SC/ST/OBC Candidates;

d) Discharge Certificate in case of ExServicemen


e) Experience Certificate(s)

I hereby confirm that I have made only one application for engagement as a Direct Sales Executive

with the Corporation and if in case, at any time during the process of engagement it is found out that I have

submitted multiple applications, then my engagement is liable to be terminated without assigning any

reasons therefor.

I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge

and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect or not satisfying the

prescribed eligibility criteria for the post applied for, my candidature is liable to be cancelled / rejected at any stage of

selection or anytime during the tenure of my engagement with the Corporation. I also accept the condition that the

decisions of the Corporation in all matters will be final and binding on me.

(Signature of the Applicant)



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