RECRUITMENT OF TEMPORARY CONSTABLE (EXECUTIVE)- MALE IN DELHI POLICE-2011 - Application are invited from Indian Nationals to fill up 2622 vacant post of constable (Executive)-male in Delhi Police under the following categories in the pay scale of PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 2000/- and other allowances as admissible. Recruitment will be held at Delhi for which candidates from all parts of the country fulfilling eligibility conditions are eligible to apply:-
Name of Post | No. of Vacancies | UNRESERVED | OBC | SC | ST | Total | Constable (Exe.)-Male | 1311 | 708 | 402 | 201 | 2622 |
10% vacancies are reserved for ex-Serviceman in each categories as per rules. Note:- Out of 10% quota meant for Ex-Serviceman, 50% of such quota will be reserved for following categories of ex-serviceman (a) Having served in Special forces/NSG (Special Action Group) or (b) Having received QI Qualification Instructors" grading in the commando Course or (c) Officers from the Navy/Air Force who have worked in specialized Commando type units. Note:- The Personal of central Para Military Forces are not eligible to apply under Ex-Serviceman category. 2. CLOSING DATE: The last date of receipt of application form will be 25.11.2011 Application are received thereafter will not be entertained. 3. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS:- (a) NATIONALITY : Application should be a bonafide citizen of INDIA. (b) Age, Educational Qualification and Physical standard:- Category of candidates | Age (as on 01.07.2011) | Educational Qualification | Physical Standard | Height (in cms) | Chest (in cms) minimum | Unexpnded | Expanded | Un- Reserved | 18 to 21 | 10+2(Senior Secondary ) pass from a recognized Board | 170 | 81 | 85 | OBC | 18 to 24 | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | SC | 18 to 26 | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | ST | 18 to 26 | -do- | 165 | 76 | 80 | Sportman(Un-reserved) | 18 to 26 | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Sportman(OBC) | 18 to 26 | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Sportman(SC) | 18 to 31 | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Sportman(ST) | 18 to 31 | -do- | 165 | 76 | 80 | Departmental (Unreseved) | Upto 40 Year | 11th pass | 170 | 81 | 85 | Departmental(OBC) | Upto 43 year | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Departmental(SC) | Upto 45 year | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Departmental(ST) | Upto 45 Year | -do- | 165 | 76 | 80 | Ex-Serviceman (Unreserved) | As per rules. | 10+2(Senior Secondary ) pass from a recognized Board | 170 | 81 | 85 | Ex-Serviceman (OBC) | As per rules | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Ex-Serviceman (SC) | As per rules | -do- | 170 | 81 | 85 | Ex-Serviceman (ST) | As per rules | -do- | 165 | 76 | 80 | Sons of serving deceased retired Police personnel/ Multi tasking staff (formerly Group ’D’ Employees) of Delhi police | 18 to 25 Year | 11th pass | 165 | 76 | 80 | Residents of hill areas i.e Garhwalis, Kumaonis, gorkhas, Dogras , maratha’s And candidates belonging to state of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Moghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, and Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K | As per their Own category | 10+2(Senior Secondary ) pass from a recognized Board | 165 | 76 | 80 |
(C) ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENT All aspiring candidates shall possess a valid driving liences for LMV (Motor cycles and car) on the date of submission of application form. NOTE:- - Age from 18 to 21 years as on 01.07.2011 i.e those born not earlier than 02.07.1990 and not later than 01.07.1993 will be eligible. upper age limit is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC as per rules.
- Candidates seeking reserved benefits for SC/ST/OBC must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Advertisement. They should also be in possession of the certificate in the prescribed Format support in their claim at the time submitting application form as per Annexure -"B" and "C". No other certificate will be accepted as sufficient proof.
- The relaxation under OBC categories is admissible for those castes Notified in the central List and the List issued by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
- A' departmental candidates' means bandsmen, buglers, Mounted costables, drivers, despatch riders. dog handlers etc.& Multi Tasking (formerly category 'D' employees) enlisted in Delhi Police with a minimum of 3 years continuous service and who otherwise fulfills all educational and other physical qualifications.
- The sportman of distinction who have represented a state at the national level and the country at the Intenational level in sport during preceding three years from the date of advertisement of vacancies. The sports certificate should have been issued in the poroforma attached at Annexure-D & E having photography of the candidate duly attested by the Secretary of the issuing State/ National Sports Federation. The issuing federation/Association conducing state/National champronship should be affiliated with State/indian Olympic Association.The Relaxation is admissible to the sportmen who participated in Althetics, Swimming,Shooting, Boxing, Cycling,Wrestling, Gymnastics, Judo, Weightlifting, Karate, Equestrian, Archery, Table Tennis, Tennis, Badminton, Raithlon,Volleyball, Kho-kho, Basketball,football, Kabaddi(circles Kabaddi/beach Kabaddi), Hockey, Cricket.
- Age concession to ex-Serviceman will be allowed in accordance with the orders issued by the government from time to time. they will be permitted to deduct the period served in the armed forces from their actual age.The resultant age, so derived, should not exceed the prescribed age limit by more than three years.
- For all candidates minimum chest expansion has to be 4 cms, failing which he be disqualified.
- Relaxation in height and chest (resident of hill areas) as mentioned above will be permissible only on production of certificate at the time of Physical Measurement Test, in the proforma as presecribed in Annexure-F from the competant athorities. i.e. DC/DM/SDM or Tehsildar of the District where they ordinarity reside(s).
- Those candidates who are declared not qualified in physical Standards, i.e. height and chest.
may prefer an appeal, if they so desire, to the appellate authority present on the PE&MT ground, the decision of the appellate authority will be final and no further appeal or representation in this regard will be entatiled. - The wards of serving, deceassed and retired police personnel including Multi Tasking Staff (formerly categories 'D' employees) of delhi
police belonging to SC/ST/OBC/ Hill Area category 'D' employees will not be entatiledto get double relaxation .they can clam relection either in thier cast/category or in wards as police personnal including multitasking task (formely category D employees of delhi police.) - Wards of serving, deceased and retired police personnel including Multi Tasking Staff (formerly category 'D' employees) of Delhi Police shall be required to produce certificate in the prescribed format issued by the DCP/Addl. DCP or ACP/ HQ of the District/Units where the police personnel including Multi Tasking Staff(formerly category 'D' employees) of Delhi Police served last (at the time of Physical Measurement Test.) as per proforma at Annexure-A.
DEFINITION OF EX-SERVICEMAN:- The defination of Ex-serviceman as defined in Govt. of India. Ministry of Personal,Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, New Delhi's O.M. No. 36034/5/85-Estt. (SCT) dated 14-4-1987 is given as under "An ex-serviceman" means as person, who have served in any rank whehter as a Combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union and who retired from such service after earning his/her pension; or (i) whose discharge book has the endorsement of Ex-servicemen; or (ii) who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disabilities pension; or (iii) who has been released, otherwise than on his own requist, from such service as a results of reduction in establishment;or (iv) who have been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagements, otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army of the following categories, namely:- a) Pension holders for continuous embodied service b) Persons with disability attributable to military service; and c) Gallantry award winners.
The Territorial Army personnel will however be treared as ex-servicemen w.e.f. 15-11-86 Ex-Serviceman who are paid from the Central revenues are eligible to be re-enlisted as constables at the discretion of the appointing authority if their discharge certificate shows previous service as Good or of higher classification/grading provided that (a) they present themselves within two years of their previous discharge, (b) they conform to the educational standards laid down for recruits from open market, and quality such endurance/ efficiency tests as prescribed by the Commissioner of Police,from time to time by issuing necessary standing orders. (c)they are medically fit for police service according to standards prescribed for recruits. Ex- Servicemen who have already secured employment under Cental Government in Group 'C' & 'D' posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under Ex-servicemen category. However, they are eligible for the age relaxation only. the period of "Call up Service" of an Ex-Servicemen in the Armed forced shall also be treated as services rendered in the Armed forces for purpose of age relaxation. For any Serviceman of the three Armed forced of the Union to be treated as Ex-serviceman for the purpose of securing the benefits of reservation, he must have already acquired, at the relavant time of submitting his application for the Post/Service, the status of ex-serviceman and or/is in a position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that he would complete specified term of engagement from the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of one year from the closing date of the application form. EXPLANATION :-The person serving in the Armed/Forces of the Union, who on retirement on service, would come under the categories of "Ex-servicemen" may be permitted to apply for re-employement one year before the completion of the specified terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to Ex-Servicemen but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until they complete the specified term of engagement in the Armed Forced of Union. Note: All such candidates who are serving in the armed forced and intend to apply under Ex-serviceman category will be required to Submit NOC from the Department which shall clearly mention their date of discharged from the armed forces. NOC having no mention of date of dischage form the armed forces will not be entertained and their Application forms will be rejected without assigning any further reason. 4. MEDICAL STANDARD:- i) The minimum distant vision should be 6/12 of two year (without glasses) and shall be free from colour blindness. ii) Candidates who have undergone Lasik surgery for improvement of their vision (Eye Sight) will be eligible if their vision (Eye Sight) is found normal after the conduct of the following Taste at the Govt. Hospita:- 1. Contrast sensitivity. 2. Dim light vision (Mesopic vision) 3. Glare acuity iii) The Candidate must not have knock kness. flat foot, varicose vein, loss or deformity of fingers & chest and Joints, halux valgus, halux rigidus, squint in eyes, bow legs and other deformity including loss of any part of body. iv) The candidate should be of sound state of health, free from defect, deformity or dlsease likely to interface with the efficent performance of the duties. No relaxations is allowed to any category of candidates on this count.
Age | Race 1600 mtrs | Long Jump | High Jump | Upto 30 Year | 6 Minutes | 14 Feet | 3’9” | Above 30 Year to 40 Years | 7 Minutes | 13 Feet | 3’6” | Above 40 Years | 8 Minutes | 12 Feet | 3’3” |
Note: • Under the Recruitment Scheme, no documents, except those desired, along with application form are required to be sent and the information given by the candidate will be presumed to be correct. To seek fee exemption of Rs. 100/-, the SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates shall attach attested photocopy of certificate of their respective category. • The candidates, seeking age relaxation on sports basis must note that the Sports certificate should of current three years and the issuing sports federation conducting the National/ International Championship should be affiliated with State/Indian Olympic Association. The candidates will be required to produce original copy of Sports Certificate at the time of PE&MT and will also attach attested photocopy of the same with Application Form. Candidates must note that Sports Certificate must be as per proforma at Annexure - D & E. • The candidates, seeking bonus mark for having NCC ‘C’ certificate need to attach attested photocopy of the NCC ‘C’ Certificate with the Application Form. |
11. | INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM: | a. | The application form should be filled up in English only. | b. | The numbers given below refer to the serial numbers of the items in the application form. | c. | Fill up the application form and tick the right choice by ball point pen only. | 1 | Name of Applicant: The candidate should write his name in appropriate manner in the box. | 2. | Father’s Name: The candidate should write his Father’s Name in the specified box. | 3. . | Complete Mailing Address with Name: Candidate needs to write his name and complete postal address along with telephone number, mobile number and email address (if any). In case of offline applications, the candidate will have to neatly write the complete address (House No./Mohalla/street/locality/colony, Post Office, Pin Code, District, State). | 4. | Photo: Affix firmly a passport size (35mm x 45mm) coloured photograph with name plate (taken on or after 01.07.2011 in red background in the space provided. The photo should be pasted, not pinned or stapled. | | Important:- | .• | The photograph should not be taken wearing a cap or goggles etc. | • | The name of the candidate in CAPITAL letters with date should be written on the body of the photograph much below the face, care should be taken that no writing is made on the face. | 5 | Signature: The candidate must sign in full in the two spaces provided in the form. The candidate should sign strictly within the box provided for. Please ensure the signatures are made at column No. 5 and at the bottom of the application form. | 6. | Category: Candidate should Tick the right category to which he belongs.Example: - If candidate belongs to general category, the box against “General” category should be tick marked as . | 7. | Other category: Candidate should tick the right category to which he belongs. Example : -i) If candidate is applying as an “ex-serviceman”, then tick the box and write the date of enlistment and the date of discharge. ii) If candidate is applying as departmental candidate, then tick the box and write the date of enlistment in Delhi Police | 8. | Religion:- Candidate should tick the right box. Example: - If candidate belongs to “Hindu”, the box against “Hindu” should be tick marked as . | 9. | Educational Qualification: Candidate should tick the right standard of education which he has passed. Example- if candidate has passed xii, box against "xiith" should be tick marked as . | 10. | NCC ’C’ Certificate: - Candidate should Tick ( either “Yes” or “No”. | 11. | Sportsman: Candidate should Tick either “Yes” or “No”. | 12. | Date of birth: Candidate should enter his date of birth in the box e.g date-month-year (dd/mm/yyyy). | 13. | Whether belonging to Hill Areas: Tick either “Yes” or “No”. | 14. | Details of Driving License: Candidate must write the details of Driving License for LMV (Motor Cycle and Car) as mentioned in Column No. 14. | 15. | Demand/Bank Draft/Banker’s cheque Details: - Applicant should write the Demand/Bank draft/ Banker’s cheque number, Name of issuing bank and date of issue of draft. The candidate must also write his name, date of birth and address at the back of Demand/Bank Draft/Banker’s cheque drawn in favour of DCP/Recruitment Cell, NPL, Delhi. | 16,17 & 18: | The candidate must supply the information asked for at Sl. Nos. 16, 17 & 18. | | Note:- | | If a criminal case/criminal complaint case is/are registered/pending in any court against the candidate and if he was arrested, detained, discharged, acquitted, convicted, fined or summoned by court or police in criminal case etc. subsequent to the submission of form, relevant details regarding the same should be communicated by the candidate immediately to the DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009, failing which it shall be deemed to be suppression of factual information which may lead to cancellation of candidature at a later stage. | 12. | QUERIES AND CLARIFICATIONS | | • In case of any query, clarification regarding filling up of application forms, applicants may dial Helpline No. 011-27412715, of Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009. | | •FAQs (Frequently asked questions) at Under FAQs section, Answer will be provided to serve day-to-day general queries of candidates, by the Recruitment Cell, NPL, Kingsway Camp, Delhi. | 13. | INFORMATION CENTRES:-Three Information Centres shall be opened at the following locations to answers the queries of the applicant regarding filling up of the application form:- (i) PTS/Wazirabad, Delhi. (ii) PTC/Jharoda Kalan, New Delhi.(iii) PTS/Malviya Nagar, New Delhi. | 14. | GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: | I. | Application forms will be rejected if they are :- | a. | Incomplete. | b. | Without Demand/Bank Draft /banker’s cheque of Rs. 100/- (except SC/ST and Ex. Servicemen candidates). | c. | Received in duplicate. | d. | Without attested copy of certificate in case of SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen for fee exemption, Sports Certificate if the Candidate is seeking age relaxation and NCC ‘C’ Certificate for seeking bonus marks. | e. | Without latest photograph. | f. | Application form not signed by the candidate | II | If there is any variation in the interpretation of words/ instructions, the English version will prevail and the decision of Police Headquarters will be final. | III | Candidates already employed with Govt. can apply after intimating to their Head of Office/ Department and need not send another copy through proper channel. An undertaking to this effect should be enclosed with the application form. They will have to provide N.O.C. from their department at the time of checking of documents. | IV | If ineligibility of a candidate is detected at any stage, his candidature will be cancelled without any prior notice. | V | The candidate must be sure of his height, chest and educational qualification, which should conform to the minimum standards laid down. | VI | Any change in the schedule already announced would be displayed on the notice board of the DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi and on “Notice Board” available on the | VII | Candidate should mention his Roll No./Registration No. on the application while making any correspondence with theDCP/Recruitment Cell. It should be addressed to: “DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009”. | VIII | Candidates shall bring their original documents/certificates alongwith their attested copies at the time of PE&MT/Bio-metric as mentioned in Para-6. | IX | Candidates are advised to keep with themselves photocopies of application form, admit card and admission card (at the time of written examination) for ready reference. | X | All the candidates will be sent Admit card for PE&MT by post and Admission Card for the written test will be issued to the successful candidates immediately after the PE&MT at the ground itself. | XI | The Admit/Admission card will also be available on Delhi Police Website. Such candidates who do not receive their PE&MT Admit Card by post can download the same from “My account” which will be valid. | XII | No TA /DA will be paid for appearing in PE&MT/Written Test. | | (ISHWAR SINGH) DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, ESTABLISHMENT, DELHI | | | |
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