Head Office, Human Resource Management Department
3 & 4, DD Block, Sector 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700064
Recruitment of 1050 Probationary Officer in JMGS I in Generalist Cadre
UCO Bank a leading listed Public Sector Bank invites ON LINE applications from Indian
citizens, who are young, qualified and active minds, really interested for a challenging
work and progressive career, for the post of Probationary Officer in Junior Management
Grade Scale I in Generalist Cadre only through Bank’s website www.ucobank.com . No
other means / mode of application will be accepted.
For applying on line, the candidates should have a valid e-mail ID which should be kept
alive during the currency of this recruitment exercise. If a candidate does not have a valid
e-mail ID, he/she should create new valid e-mail ID before applying on-line. The
candidate should go to any branch of UCO Bank, pay the amount of application
fee/postage and get cash receipt with transaction ID, depositing branch name with code
number and date of deposit written thereon. These numbers should be correctly entered
while registering application on-line.
Particulars Important Dates
Payment of Application Fee/Postage Charges From 09.11.2010 – To 30.11.2010
Opening Date for Online Registration 09.11.2010
Closing Date for Online Registration 30.11.2010
Tentative Date of Written examination 30.01.2011
Before applying candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the stipulated eligibility
criteria for the post. They should note that Application Fee and/or Postage Amount once
deposited will neither be refunded nor be adjusted against any other project. Candidates
are advised to fill their particulars online themselves correctly. Candidates should ensure
that particulars once submitted by them will be final as no further change will be allowed
Name of the Post : Probationary Officer in JMGS I
Total Number of Vacancies : 1050
Reservation of Posts are as under :
156 80 287 527 1050 10 8 8
Abbreviations stand for: SC - Scheduled Caste, ST - Scheduled Tribe, OBC - Other Backward Class,
GEN-General Category, OC-Orthopaedically Challenged, HI - Hearing Impaired, VI – Visually
Scales of Pay in JMGS I : Rs 14,500-600/7-18700-700/2-20,100-800/7-25,700
Candidates selected will be offered scale of pay of JMGS-I at the initial stage.
DA, HRA, CCA will be paid as per rules in force from time to time and depending upon
the place of posting. Medical, LFC, Terminal Benefits etc. will be as per prevailing rules.
At present, approximate total monthly emoluments inclusive of Basic, DA,CCA,HRA
etc, at the start of the scale at a Metro centre comes to Rs.22,188/-
Probation Period – Selected candidates will be on probation for a period of 2 years
Confirmation : The confirmation of the newly recruited Probationary Officers will be subject
to satisfactory completion of two years probation period.
a) Nationality / Citizenship:
A candidate must be either (i) a Citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) a
subject of Bhutan or (iv) a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st Jan. 1962
with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who
has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda,
the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi,
Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided
that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in
whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt. of India. A candidate
in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the
examination/interview but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only
after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government of
b)Age and Educational Qualification (as on 30.11.2010):
Post Age Minimum Educational Qualification
Minimum: 21 yrs
Maximum: 30
Graduate in any discipline from a recognized
University in pass course with 55% aggregate
marks or an Honours Graduate
For SC/ST/ PC Category Candidates :
Graduate in any discipline from a recognized
University in pass course with 50% aggregate
marks or an Honours Graduate
The Educational Qualification prescribed for the post is the minimum. Candidates must
possess this qualification. Educational Qualification should be from a recognized
University. Apart from prescribed Educational qualification, candidates should be well
versed with Microsoft Office.
Relaxation in Upper Age Limit :
Sl Category Age
1 Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Candidates 5 years
2 Other Backward Classes Candidates 3 years
3 In the case of Ex- service commissioned Officers, including ECOs/
SSCOs, who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have
been released on completion of assignment ( including those whose
assignment is due to be completed within the next one year from the
last date for receipt of application ) otherwise than by way of dismissal
or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of
physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment.
5 years
4 Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State
during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989
5 years
5 Physically Challenged Category candidates
(15 years for Pysically Challenged SCs/STs and 13 years for Physically
Challenged OBCs)
10 years
1. As the reservation for Physically Challenged Candidates is on horizontal basis, the
selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category (viz., SC, ST, OBC,
General, etc.) to which they belong.
2. The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and
may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.
3. The definition of VI (B/LV), HI, OC are as prescribed in The Persons with
Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act,
4. It is clarified that it may not be possible to employ physically challenged candidates
at all offices/branches of the Bank and they will have to work in the posts identified
by the Bank.
5. Candidates belonging to reserved categories as well as those for whom no
reservation has been announced are free to apply for the vacancies announced for the
Unreserved/General category.
6. Above relaxations are available only if the candidates fulfill the various conditions
prescribed in the Govt. of India orders and instructions in this regard. To claim
relaxation in age, fees etc. reserved category candidates should submit a copy of the
relevant certificate in support of his/her claim at the time of Pre-examination training
and/or interview.
Reservations for Physically Challenged Persons (PC) – Definition of Categories of
i) An Orthopaedically Challenged (OC) person is one suffering from Locomotor
Disability or Cerebral Palsy.
Locomotor Disability: “Locomotor Disability” means disability of the bones,
joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or
any form of cerebral palsy.
Cerebral Palsy: “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of non-progressive conditions of
a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult
or injuries occurring in the prenatal, perinatal or infant period of development.
ii) Hearing Impaired (HI): “Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or
more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies.
iii) Visually Impaired : The Visually Impaired persons are those with following
disability :
Blindness or low vision: “Blindness” refers to a condition where a person suffers
from any of the following conditions:
i) Total absence of sight ;
ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with
correcting lenses,
iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or
“Person with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning even
after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of
using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
iv) Only such person would be eligible for reservation in services / posts who
suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability and is certified by a
Medical Board appointed by the Central/State Govt.
The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is affected by
cerebral palsy can use their own scribe at their cost during the written examination. In all
such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply:
i) The candidate will have to arrange his/her own scribe at his/her own cost.
ii) The academic qualification of the scribe should be one grade lower than the
stipulated eligibility criteria (i.e. Graduation in this recruitment exercise. Thus the
qualification of scribe / writer should be not more than XII standard).
iii) The scribe can be from any academic discipline. The scribe should possess less
marks than the candidate and not more than 60% marks in his own academic
iv) Both the candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking,
confirming that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as
mentioned above. Further, in case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfill any
of the laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts, the candidature of
the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written
v) Such candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes for
every hour of the examination.
Competent Authority for Issue of Certificate to SC/ST/OBC/PC is as under :
(a) For SC/ST/OBC – District Magistrate/ Addl. Distt. Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy
Commissioner/ Addl. Dy. Commissioner/ Dy. Collector/ First Class Stipendary
Magistrate/ Sub- Division Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/
Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief
Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate/ Revenue Officer not below the
rank of Tahsildar/ Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/ or
his/ her family normally resides.
(b) For Physically Challenged - Authorised certifying authority will be a Medical
Board duly constituted by the Central or the State Government having at least
three members consisting of Chief Medical Officer, Sub-divisional Medical
Officer in the District and an Orthopedic Surgeon/Ophthalmology surgeon/ENT
Surgeon as the case may be.
2. Selection Procedure : The selection will be made on the basis of performance in
written test and interview.
Details of Written Test are as under :
Test No. of
Time Limit
Test of General Awareness
& Computers
50 60 135 Minutes
Test of English Language
(Grammar, Vocabulary,
Comprehension etc.)
50 50
Test of Quantitative
50 60
Test of Reasoning (High
75 80
Total 225 250
Descriptive Paper (five
compulsory questions with
internal options to assess
knowledge on current
economic developments and
100 marks
60 Minutes
communication skill)
Notes :
i) The written test will be objective (Sl No 1 to 4) and descriptive type. The questions
in objective tests except for the Test of English will be printed in bilingual, i.e. English
and Hindi. The Questions in Descriptive Paper will be printed in bilingual i.e. English
and Hindi versions. The candidates will have the option to answer the Descriptive
paper either in English or Hindi. There will be negative marks for the wrong answers
in the Objective Tests.
ii) The candidates will be required to qualify in each of the objective tests and also in
the Descriptive Paper separately. The qualifying marks in each of the objective test
will be decided on the basis of performance of the competing candidates and the
average marks obtained by the competing candidates will be set as the minimum
qualifying marks in each objective test. There will be negative marks for wrong
answers given in the objective tests. Descriptive paper of only those candidates will be
evaluated who will pass in each of the four objective tests and rank adequately high in
percentile ranking in the aggregate of all the four objective tests. Qualifying marks for
Descriptive Test will be 40% for General category and 35% for SC/ST/OBC/PC
category candidates.
iii) Depending upon the number of vacancies, only those candidates who rank
sufficiently high in the merit list will be called for Interview. Mere eligibility/pass in
the Test shall not vest any right in a candidate for being called for Interview. Final
selection shall be made based on the ranking on the aggregate marks obtained in the
Written Tests and Interview. Decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final. The
detailed information regarding the Written Test will be given in the Booklet which will
be sent to the eligible candidates along with the Call Letter for the Test.
Written Test Centres
The Written test will be tentatively held on Sunday, 30.01.2011 at the following Centres
and the address of the Venue will be advised in the Call Letter.
Name of Centre Centre Code Name of Centre
11 Ahmedabad 19 Hyderabad
12 Bangaluru 20 Jaipur
13 Bhopal 21 Kolkata
14 Bhubaneshwar 22 Lucknow
15 Chandigarh 23 Mumbai
16 Chennai 24 Patna
17 Delhi 25 Shimla
18 Guwahati
The date of written test is tentative. The exact date will be communicated to the
candidates through the call letter for the examination. The Bank reserves the right
to cancel or make any change in the date of the written test, if need arises.
Request for Change of Centre of Examination shall not be entertained. The Bank,
however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Centers and/ or add other Centers,
depending on the response, administrative feasibility etc. The Bank also reserves the right
to allot the Candidate to any Center other than the one he/ she has opted for.
3. Pre- Examination Training :
It is proposed to impart free Pre- Examination Training to a limited number of Candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Minority Communities on “First come
first served basis” at Ahmedabad, Bangaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh,
Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna,
Shimla. Training centers may also be changed at the discretion of the Bank. An eligible
candidate who wishes to avail Pre-Examination Training should fill in the relevant
column in the on-line application format. All expenses regarding traveling, boarding,
lodging etc will be borne by the candidate for attending the Pre- Examination Training
programme at the concerned Training Center. The Bank also reserves the right to allot
the candidates to any of the centres other than the one he/she has opted for.
(i) Candidates are required to apply on-Line through Bank’s website
www.ucobank.com only. No other means/ mode of application will be
(ii) Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. It should be
kept active for the duration of this recruitment project. Bank may send call
letters for written test, interview etc. through the registered e-mail ID.
Under no circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail ID to /
of any other person.
(iii) In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should
create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line.
(iv) Candidates are first required to go to the Bank’s website
www.ucobank.com and click on the Home Page to open the link
(v) Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification entitled “UCO BANK PO
(vi) Take a Print of the ‘FEE PAYMENT CHALLAN’.
(vii) Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in
(viii) Go to the nearest UCO Bank Branch with the Fee payment Challan and
pay, in Cash, the appropriate Application Fee in the designated CBS
Account as given in the fee payment challan.
ix) Application Fee and Postage Charges ( Non-Refundable ) :
Category Total
1 SC/ ST/ PC candidates Rs. 50/- (postage charges only)
2 All others including
Rs. 400/- (Application Fee 350/- plus 50/-
postage charges)
Notes :
a) Application Fee and or Postage Charges should be paid through Fee Payment Challan
only at any UCO Bank branch.
b) Even if the date for Online registration is extended the dates for payment of
application fee will remain unchanged i.e. 09.11.2010 to 30.11.2010.
c) Payment of application fee and/ or postal charges by Demand Draft /Cheques/ Money
Orders/ Postal Order etc will not be accepted.
x) Obtain the Candidate’s Copy of Counterfoil of the Application Fee Payment Challan
duly receipted by the Bank under ‘Cash Received’ stamp and signature with (a) Branch
Name & Branch Code Number, (b) Transaction ID, (c) Date of Deposit & amount duly
written by the Branch Official.
xi) Candidate should preserve the original counterfoil of the fee payment challan as they
will have to submit the same along with the Call Letter at the time of the written test.
Without original counterfoil of fee payment challan and the call letter for written test, the
candidate will not be allowed to appear in the written test.
xii) Candidate is now ready to apply On-Line by re-visiting the Recruitment Link on the
Bank’s website and choosing the option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ON-LINE” to open
up the On-Line Application Form.
xiii) Candidates should carefully fill in the details from the Fee Payment Challan in the
On-Line Application at the appropriate places. They should also fill in all other required
details therein very carefully and click on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the On-
Line Application format. Before pressing the “SUBMIT” button, candidates are advised
to verify every particular given in the application. The name of the candidate or his /her
father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the
certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
xiv) Information filled in the online application will be final. No further changes will be
xv) After applying on-line, the candidate should take a print out of the system generated
on-line application form and retain it for future reference. They should not send this
print out to the Bank.
xvi) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the closing
date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of
disconnection/inability/failure to log on the Bank’s website on account of heavy load on
internet/website jam.
xvii) The Bank does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to
submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for
any other reason beyond the control of the Bank.
Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other
mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would
be rejected.
a) Candidates have to submit the original counterfoil of the fee payment challan and
the written test call letter at the time of written test.
b) A recent, recognizable passport size photograph should be firmly pasted at the
place indicated in the call letter for the Written Examination and must sign across the
photograph so that a part of the signature spreads over the call letter beyond the
photograph. Ten copies of the same photograph should also be retained for use in
future. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment
process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of the
interview may lead to disqualification.
c) Before applying, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and
other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Candidates are therefore to carefully
read this advertisement and follow all the instructions given for submitting online
application. The Bank would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the
Recruitment Process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post for which he/she
has applied. Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate,
the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and
other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced for the purpose or the conduct
of interview/selection etc. and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final
and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be
entertained by the Bank in this behalf.
d) Not more than one online application should be submitted by any candidate.
Multiple Applications/Registrations will be summarily rejected and the
application fee forfeited.
e) Applications once registered online will not be allowed to be withdrawn and/or
the application fee, postage charges once paid will not be refunded nor be held in
reserve for any other examination.
f) All candidates will have to produce, if called for interview, original as well as
attested photocopies of the prescribed certificates in support of their Educational
Qualification, Computer Literacy, Date of Birth, Caste/Community certificate,
Certificate of Disability issued by the competent authority in the prescribed
format, failing which their candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
g) Candidates serving in Government / Quasi Government Offices/ Public Sector
Undertakings (including Nationalized Banks & Financial Institutions) will be required
to submit “No Objection Certificate” from the employer at the time of interview,
failing which the candidature may not be considered and travelling expenses, if any,
otherwise admissible, will not be reimbursed.
h) Any resulting dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment
process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Kolkata.
i) The candidates will have to appear for the written tests and /or interview at their
own expense. SC/ST/PC candidates called for interview will be paid actual IInd Class
to & fro Rail/Bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of travel, i.e
Railway/Bus Receipt/Ticket(s) for attending the interview.
ST Candidates may be reimbursed the sea-passage by the lowest class (exclusive of
diet charges) coming from Lakshadweep, Minicoy and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
to attend interview/written test on the main lands as well as in the Island centers
provided that the distance covered by sea is more than 30KM each way.
j) No candidate is permitted to use or have possession of Calculators, Mobile Phones,
Pagers or any other instruments in the Examination Hall.
k) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
l) In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the
eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false
information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her
candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even
after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated.
m) Any request for change of address will not be entertained.
n) The Bank takes no responsibility to connect any Certificate/Remittance sent
o) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of version other than
English, English version will prevail.
p) Candidate’s admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that
the call letter has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his candidature has
been finally cleared by the Bank.
q) Candidates should ensure that the signatures appended by them in all the places
viz. in their call letter, attendance sheet etc. and in all correspondences with the Bank
in future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.
r) Selected candidates may be assigned any appropriate designation as may be
prevailing in the bank and not necessarily the name of the post given in the
s) Only those candidates who are willing to serve anywhere in India including rural
areas need apply.
t) Execution of Bond :
Candidates desirous of applying under the recruitment exercise should be
willing to execute a bond of Rs.2 lacs for serving the Bank for two years after
u) Candidates selected shall be required to serve rural/semi-urban centres as per
Government guidelines.
v) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically
fit by the Medical Officer(s) appointed/approved by the Bank.
6. Action Against Candidates Found Guilty of Misconduct
Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any
particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated and should not surpass any material
information while submitting online application. At the time of written examination/
interview, if a candidate is (or has been ) found guilty of – (i) using unfair means
during the examination or subsequent selection procedure or (ii) impersonating or
procuring impersonation by any person or (iii) misbehaving in the examination hall or
taking away the question booklet (or any part thereof ) / answer sheet from the
examination hall or (iv) resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection
with his/ her candidature for selection or (v) obtaining support for his/ her candidature
by unfair means, such a candidate may, in addition to rendering himself/ herself liable
to criminal prosecution, be liable :
(a) To be disqualified from the examination for which he/ she is a candidate.
(b) To be debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination or
recruitment conducted by UCO Bank.
(c) For termination of service, if he/ she has already joined the Bank.
The Bank would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other candidates to
detect patterns of similarity, if as per the laid down procedure, it is suspected that the
responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the bank
reserves right to cancel his/ her candidature.
The date of the Written Examination has been tentatively fixed for 30.01.2011
(Sunday). However, the date of Examination shall be intimated in the Call Letter
along with the Centre/Venue address.
All eligible candidates will be issued Call letters at the correspondence address,
given by the candidates in their online application, which will be sent by ordinary
post. An eligible candidate who does not receive the Call letter by 24.01.2011
can download the call letter from the Bank’s website between 25.01.2011 to
29.01.2011. In case of any difficulty candidates should contact the UCO Bank at
the following addresses along with the application print out, ID Card and original
fee payment challan for issue of duplicate Call letter. Duplicate call letters will be
issued at the following Bank’s offices between 25.01.2011 to 29.01.2011.
Ahmedabad The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Ahmedabad Zonal Office
UCO Bhavan
Near Sanyas Ashram
Ashram Road
Ph– 079 26579295/26573708
Fax – 079 2657 9450
Bangaluru The Zonal Manager
UCO Bank
Bengaluru Zonal Office, UCO
Bank Building,
2nd Floor,
13/22, Kempegowda Road,
Bengaluru – 560 009
Ph : 080 – 43472716/ 43472718,
Fax : 080 – 22257595
Bhopal The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Bhopal Zonal Office
E-5, Arera Colony
Bhopal – 462016
Ph : 0755 2468103, 4046002
Fax : 0755 4046010/2686182
Bhubaneswar The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Bhubaneswar Zonal Office
UCO Bank Building, 3rd floor
C-2, Ashok Nagar, Unit – II
Ph : 0674 2532226, 2533626
Fax : 0674 2531448/2532890
Chennai The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Chennai Zonal Office
UCO Bank Building,
328, Thambu Chetty Street
Chennai – 600 001.(TAMIL
Tel:044 43405588/43405545
Fax : 044 43405575, 5558
Chandigarh The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Chandigarh Zonal Office
UCO Bank Building, 1st floor,
Chandigarh(UT) – 160 017.
Ph : 0172 2701942, 2702960
Fax : 0172 2703016
Delhi The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
New Delhi Zonal Office
5, Sansad Marg
NEW DELHI – 11 0 001
Ph:011 23739553, 23736132
Fax : 011 23721345
Guwahati The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Guwahati Zonal Office
Mani Ram Dewan Road, P.O.
Guwahati – 781 003 (ASSAM)
Ph : 0361 2660531, 2665653
Fax : 0361 2663779
Hyderabad The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Hyderabad Zonal Office
8-2-624, Gr.Floor, Road
No.10, Banjara Hills
Hyderabad – 500 034.
Ph: 040 23322587, 23372345
Fax : 040-23305555
Jaipur The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Jaipur Zonal Office
Arcade International,
Ajmer Road, Jaipur – 302 006
Ph : 0141 2225617, 2221024
Fax : 0141 2226163
Kolkata The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Kolkata Zonal Office
4 & 4/1, Red Cross Place
Ph 033 22437680/ 22303681
Fax – 033 22108255
Lucknow The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Lucknow Zonal Office
Skylark Building, 3rd Floor,
28, Naval Kishore Road,
Lucknow – 226 001(UTTAR
Ph : 0522 2613667, 2230951
Fax : 0522 2625432
Mumbai The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Mumbai Zonal Office,
Mafatlal Centre, 2nd floor
Nariman Point, Mumbai –
400021 (Maharashtra)
Ph – 022 22024783/
Patna The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Patna Zonal Office
Maurya Lok Complex, Block –
A, 4th floor
Dak Bunglow Road
Patna – 800 001( BIHAR)
Ph 0612 2220489, 2234511
Fax: 0612 -2226923/ 2220489
Shimla The Zonal Manager ,
UCO Bank
Shimla Zonal Office,
Himland Hotel, Circular
Shimla - 171 001
Tel: 0177 2625956, 2628604
Fax : 0177 2625061
This advertisement is also available on Bank’s website address www.ucobank.com.
Candidates are advised to remain in touch with Bank’s website for any information
which may be hoisted for further guidance
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